Course Image Organisation of official controls (Intermediate level)

Organisation of official controls (Intermediate level)

Estimated duration : 13h30

The intermediate level of Route 3 (Organisation of official controls) consists of six activities. Each activity includes a text to read, followed by a test comprising a few simple questions to measure your mastery of the subject. At the end of the intermediate level, a summary test will be offered to you. Its results will determine your access to the advanced level.

First, we will distinguish between what is within the scope of official controls, and what belongs to the requirements of the private sector. Through a brief history of food legislation, we will see how the role of the authorities has evolved and how this has influenced current regulation. In particular, we will look at the responsibilities of each stakeholder in the safety of the food chain.

Next, we will consider the general principles of national control and monitoring programmes based on hazard knowledge and risk assessment.

Finally, we will focus specifically on food control based on sampling for official analysis of residues and other chemical contaminants such as heavy metals or mycotoxins, explaining the techniques and principles of sampling plans. We will conclude by looking at the particular case of national residue monitoring plans.

Course Image Organisation of official controls (Advanced level)

Organisation of official controls (Advanced level)

Estimated duration : 13h30

The advanced level of Route 3 (Organisation of official controls) consists of six activities. Each activity includes a text to read, followed by a test comprising a few simple questions to measure your mastery of the subject. At the end of Route 3, a summary test will be offered to you. Its results will determine your access to the certification test.

This section focuses on planning sampling and official controls, inspections and audits. We will discuss the means and methods used to obtain and prepare a sample for analysis. We will also study the statistical requirements to be met for the quality and safety compliance control of food batches on the market. We will then discuss the legal basis for control and the planning of controls, including border controls.

We will also see how an official control should be carried out, from implementation to the reporting of results and follow-up.

Finally, we will discuss how to communicate the results of official controls in routine and emergency situations.